Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The full set!

I'm always thrilled to receive my physical copies of the Furrowed Middlebrow titles from Dean Street Press, and even though I've already seen the covers and the intros and (obviously) read the books long before they're released, opening the box with the actual books always feels a bit like Christmas.  It never gets old, and I always have to pinch myself a bit to believe that they're really "my" books.

So now that I've previewed all the titles over the past couple of weeks, here's a glimpse of the full set of new, World War II-themed titles. And here also is a thank you for all the wonderful support the books have been getting from readers and bloggers and reviewers, and all those reading the books and recommending them to friends and relatives and, indeed, total strangers through the magic of the internet!

Before too long, we'll have an announcement of another set of Furrowed Middlebrow titles (three authors, eight titles), tentatively set for January release. I think you'll be pleased...  In the meantime, I might be posting a bit less for a time, while I push ahead more intensely with a major update to my author list, including nearly 150 new authors (some of whom I've already sampled, with varying results), and revised, expanded, and/or corrected details for hundreds of the 2,000 authors already on the list. That's my main mission for the next couple of months, and then we have a holiday to Philadelphia, Boston, and Vermont coming up in October, so I have plenty on my plate!

Meanwhile, enjoy the new books (and the older ones!) and look forward to more coming soon.


  1. I've splashed out on 3 so far - will be hoping for more for Christmas!
    Now you have teased us with plans for more - very exciting

  2. How wonderful your shelf full of Furrowed Middlebrow titles looks! Many thanks from the reading public.


  3. Beautiful! I've bought three of these (the Carola Oman titles and Spam Tomorrow) and have my eye on a few more for Christmas. Looking forward to hearing what the January releases will be!

  4. I bought three this week, and looking forward to more! Thanks, Scott!
    I hope you are already thinking of the NEXT titles! There are so many out there NEEDING you - and US! (AND vice versa!)

  5. Crossing my fingers for more D. E. Stevenson in the next release!

  6. How wonderful - I've greatly enjoyed (and reviewed) one review copy with the other coming soon. They look amazing all together!

  7. Excited that we don't have to wait too long until the next batch! I mean, I have lots unread on my shelves, but anyway...

  8. Please reprint D. E. Stevenson The English Air! It's probably my favorite and I would love to have it on my Kindle...and audio!!!

  9. I'm reading The House Opposite right now, and I've already read Table Two (best of lot so far,) Miss Carter, both Omans, Wine of Honor, Perfect Peace, and Spam! I'll have to save the Kavan for later! More more more, please!

  10. Is the best way to purchase thru Amazon? I have been picking and choosing downloads on my kindle. Oh how I wish I had space for a shelf or two of the actual books. They are lovely. Congratulations on a job well imagined and executed.

  11. What a gift you have given us all! I have all the Stevensons and a number of others. I read on Kindle because I have a lot of arthritis in my hands and this seems the easiest way.


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