1) Diaries/Memoirs
Diaries and Memoirs
I know what you're thinking:
Didn't Furrowed Middlebrow already spend a lot
of time and a whole slew of posts putting together a War List? Is he getting
senile or what?
![]() |
Vere Hodgson |
And indeed, the answer to the first question (and, I sometimes fear, the second question as well) is yes. I did dedicate four whole posts last year to a War List, organized by author and briefly (or not so briefly, you know me) discussing works by British women writers 1910-1960 that dealt prominently with either of the World Wars.
Which was all very well and
good. But I remained discontented.
I decided that, for my own purposes, I wanted a simpler list of World War II books. For one thing, I've always been drawn more to World War II titles than World War I titles. But it was also about the organization of my original list. I found I wanted something more like a reading list, organized by a few sub-headings and including only the briefest explanation of each title to jog my memory. Such a list wouldn't require scanning my sometimes effusive prose about each author's entire body of war-related work to find the title I was looking for. Then, while I was poking around creating such a list, one day I was also trying to remember a memoir I knew I'd read about but just couldn't recall who had written it (senility again…), and I realized that a list of World War II memoirs and diaries should also be included.
This was the birth of the
present list—or set of lists. And I had actually worked on it for some time before I
even thought of sharing it with you lovely readers. I was afraid it would just
seem duplicative and even tiresome to you (and it still may). But when it started to come together and I thought it seemed useful, and even started to unearth some additional
titles that I hadn't known about for the original War List, I decided that it
might be of value to some of you as well. So here it is, for whatever it's
The list is sorted by genre
and period rather than by author, and it really divided itself pretty intuitively into
six sections that make sense to me (hopefully to you as well):
1) Diaries/Memoirs
2) Fiction:
The Approach of War and Early Days
3) Fiction:
The Thick of It
4) Fiction:
The Immediate Postwar
5) Fiction:
Retrospective (published after 1950)
6) Other
Non-fiction (miscellaneous / historical / anthologies / critical)
Looking at the section headings now, they seem rather neat and logical, but in fact there are complications in dividing books into categories, no matter how you do it. The first section is
relatively a no-brainer, apart from an occasional question about whether a book
should count as journalism or as memoir. But sections 2-5 are an effort
to capture the changing mood and tone of writings about the war. I'll discuss
each of those briefly as I post them, to try to explain my rationale for
dividing them up as I have.
Of course, I'm also going to
seize this opportunity to inflict my own personal opinions onto these lists (or
perhaps I should say to generously offer my own recommendations?). I can't
resist selecting my five personal favorites from each section of the list, and
I definitely ask all of you to feel free to take me to task for overlooking
your own faves or tell me what I'm missing.
So, without further ado, here
are my selections for this section (see the original War List for more information about each):
VERILY ANDERSON, Spam Tomorrow (1956)
MARY BURCHELL (pseudonym of
IDA COOK), We Followed Our Stars
(1950, aka Safe Passage)
FRANCES FAVIELL, A Chelsea Concerto (1959) (reviewed here)
VERE HODGSON, Few Eggs and No Oranges (1976)
JOAN WYNDHAM, Love Lessons (1985)
Now, believe me, it's not
easy narrowing down to five titles here. It was particularly traumatic not listing
Nella Last's diaries here or Mollie Panter-Downes' wonderful London War Notes (perhaps not
technically a memoir, but wonderful anyway). And I can only justify excluding
two of my favorite memoirs, period—Rumer Godden's A Time To Dance, No Time To Weep (1987) and Dorothy Whipple's Random Commentary: Books and Journals Kept
from 1925 Onwards (1966)—because both range considerably beyond the war years.
But so be it—those are my
five favorites. What are yours?
And here's the whole list
I've come up with for section 1. Let me know if I've forgotten anything. Or rather, let me know what I've forgotten.
D I A R I E S / M E M O I R
MARGERY ALLINGHAM, The Oaken Heart (1941)
Golden Age mystery author's
memoir of English village life in the early days of the war.
VERILY ANDERSON, Spam Tomorrow (1956)
Humorous account of love
and marriage against the backdrop of war.
Romance (1977)
Powerful memoir of wartime
London by a nurse and future romance novelist. Relied upon by Ian McEwan in
writing Atonement.
BETTY ARMITAGE, Betty's Wartime Diary 1939-1945 (2002)
War diary of a former theatrical dresser and seamstress.
ENID BAGNOLD, Autobiography (1969)
Memoir of the acclaimed and
controversial novelist and playwright.
BALDWIN, I Leap Over the Wall:
Contrasts and Impressions After Twenty-eight Years in a Convent (1949)
Memoir of a Catholic nun
adapting to secular life again, with the twist that that her departure from
the convent takes place in October, 1941.
SYBIL BANNISTER, I Lived Under Hitler (1957)
Details Bannister's wartime experiences as the wife of a German.
EVELYN BARK, No Time to Kill
Memoir including her war experiences, including her experience in the
Red Cross as one of the first to enter Belsen concentration camp after the
E. M. BARRAUD, Set My Hand Upon the Plough (1945)
Covers Barraud's
experiences in the Women's Land Army.
EDITHA L. BLAIKLEY, "No Soldier": The 1942 Diary of
Miss Editha Blaikley of Wren Cottage (1992)
Diary of wartime life in a
Sussex village, by a novelist and playwright.
Memoir (2005)
Novelist's autobiography,
including her experiences during the war.
CHRISTABEL BIELENBERG, The Past Is Myself (1968)
Memoir of another German-by-marriage. Dramatized for television as Christabel.
Sequel to The Past Is Myself,
dealing with the postwar years.
THEODORA BENSON, Sweethearts and Wives: Their Part in War
Illustrated book about women at war by the novelist and humorist.
URSULA BLOOM, War Isn't Wonderful (1961)
Prolific romance author's
memoir of wartime life.
VIOLET BONHAM-CARTER, Champion Redoubtable: The Diaries and
Letters of Violet Bonham Carter, 1914-1945
Second volume of the diaries of the daughter of Prime Minister Herbert
Asquith, covering both World Wars.
PHYLLIS BOTTOME, The Mansion House of Liberty (1941)
Described as
"snapshots of England at war" (aka Formidable to Tyrants).
VERA BRITTAIN, England's Hour (1941)
Testament of Youth author's memoir of the early days of WWII.
VERA BRITTAIN, Wartime Chronicle: Diary 1939-1945
Brittain's diary of the war
BRYHER, The Days of Mars: A Memoir 1940-1946 (1972)
Recollections of the war by the historical novelist and supporter of
the avant-garde.
MARY BURCHELL (pseudonym of
IDA COOK), We Followed Our Stars
(1950, aka Safe Passage)
Powerful memoir of the Cook sisters' trips into Nazi Germany just
before WWII to help Jewish friends escape.
IRIS CARPENTER, No Woman's World: On the Campaign in
Western Europe, 1944-45 (1946)
Account of the final days of the war in Europe by a trail-blazing
BARBARA CARTLAND, The Years of Opportunity: 1939-1945
Prolific romance novelist's
memoir of the war years.
DIANA COOPER, Trumpets from the Steep (1960)
Memoir of the war years by the famous Lady Cooper, who encountered
many of the most prominent people of the time.
Details her wartime experiences as a Red Cross nurse.
Wars (1984)
Memoir of her entire life, but including her dramatic wartime experiences
in Budapest, including concealing, along with her cellist husband, a Jewish
composer disguised as a priest.
On the Author's Experiences as a British Agent in France (1956)
Describes her adventures aiding the French resistance before and after
she is captured after looking the wrong way before crossing a street.
MONICA DICKENS, One Pair of Feet (1942)
A sequel of sorts to One Pair of Hands, this one follows
Dickens through the tribulations of nursing in wartime.
LEONORA EYLES, For My Enemy Daughter (1941)
A series of letters—which couldn't be sent—to Eyles' daughter, living
in Italy with her Italian husband during the war years.
NAN FAIRBROTHER, Children in the
House (1954)
Memoir of the author's experiences evacuating with her two sons from
London to a house in the Buckinghamshire countryside.
FRANCES FAVIELL, A Chelsea Concerto (1959)
Vivid and powerful account
of life in London during the Blitz. Essential reading.
FRANCES FAVIELL, The Dancing Bear (1954)
Memoir of life in Germany
in the years immediately following the war.
RACHEL FERGUSON, Royal Burrough (1950)
Ferguson's humorous second
memoir about life in Kensington (following the pre-war Passionate Kensington), this one covering the war years.
Popular cooking author's
account of WWII and her life in Chelsea during the Blitz.
THEODORA FITZGIBBON, Love Lies a Loss (1985)
Second volume of memoirs, covers
the postwar years.
WINIFRED FORTESCUE, Trampled Lilies (1941)
WINIFRED FORTESCUE, Beauty for Ashes (1948)
WINIFRED FORTESCUE, Laughter in Provence (1950)
Wartime entries in
Fortescue's series of humorous memoirs about life in Provence.
CELIA FREMLIN, War Factory (1943)
Vivid account of wartime factory work, growing out of Fremlin's
involvement with Mass Observation.
RUMER GODDEN, A Time To Dance, No Time To Weep
The first volume of her
autobiography, including her dramatic and eventful time living in India
during World War II.
JOYCE GRENFELL, The Time of My Life: Entertaining the
Troops (1988)
Wartime journals by popular actress and comedian.
JOYCE GRENFELL, Darling Ma (1988)
Letters to her mother
1932-1944, including her wartime experiences.
CHARLOTTE HALDANE, Truth Will Out (1949)
Memoir of her experiences as a war correspondent for The Daily Sketch during World War II.
DOREEN HAWKINS, Drury Lane to Dimapur: Wartime Adventures
of an Actress (2009)
Account of actress who entertained both in Britain and abroad during
the war.
VERE HODGSON, Few Eggs and No Oranges (1976)
Incomparable diary of life
in London during the war, reprinted by Persephone.
INEZ HOLDEN, It Was Different at the Time (1943)
Underrated novelist's memoir of the early years of the war.
Label on My Coat (1991)
Recollections of a child
evacuee during the war.
ANTONIA HUNT, Little Resistance: A Teenage English
Girl's Adventures in Occupied France (1982)
The subtitle says it all!
FAY INCHFAWN, Salute to the Village (1943)
Christian-themed recollections of life in an English village in the
first years of the war.
FAY INCHFAWN, Those Remembered Days (1964)
Late memoir in which Inchfawn also reflects on the war years.
NAOMI JACOB, Me—In War-Time (1940)
Rather stiff and preachy wartime entry in Jacob's series of me-centered
STORM JAMESON, Journey from the North (1969)
Prominent novelist's autobiography, covering the years of both World
F. TENNYSON JESSE, London Front: Letters Written to America
1939-1940 (1940)
First of two volumes of Jesse's compiled letters to American friends
during the war.
F. TENNYSON JESSE, While London Burns (1942)
Second volume of her letters to American friends.
ZELMA KATIN, 'Clippie': The Autobiography of a War Time
Conductress (1944)
Harrowing view of life as a tram conductor during the war.
BARBARA KAYE, The Company We Kept (1986)
Memoir of wartime life with her antiquarian bookseller husband and
their many literary friends.
SHEILA KAYE-SMITH, Kitchen Fugue (1945)
experiences living in "Bomb Alley" in Sussex during World War II.
MARGARET KENNEDY, Where Stands a Wingèd Sentry (1941)
Popular novelist's memoir (with a bit of "come into the war,
America!" propaganda) of life with her family in a village by the coast.
RACHEL KNAPPETT, A Pullet on the Midden (1946)
The author's experiences as a Land Girl.
NELLA LAST, Nella Last's War (1981)
Diary of a middle-aged
housewife who found stimulation and challenge in her war work.
NELLA LAST, Nella Last's Peace (2008)
Last's postwar diaries, in
which frustration at being forced back into her role as housewife is
poignantly expressed.
NELLA LAST, Nella Last in the 1950s (2010)
Final volume of Last's
MOLLY LEFEBURE, Evidence for the Crown (1954)
Entertaining and sometimes
harrowing account of working in the London coroner's office during the war.
ANITA LESLIE, Train to Nowhere (1948)
Her harrowing experiences as an ambulance driver in France.
ANITA LESLIE, A Story Half Told (1983)
Leslie's later memoir, which includes additional recollections of her
wartime experiences.
ROSE MACAULAY, Letters to a Sister (1964)
A selection of letters to her sister Jean, including some describing
wartime situations.
CECILY MACKWORTH, I Came Out of France (1941)
Compelling and harrowing
tale of her escape back to England after the fall of France, keeping barely
one step ahead of the Nazi invaders.
ETHEL MANNIN, Brief Voices (1952)
Wartime memoir by the novelist and passionate pacifist.
HILDE MARCHANT, Women and Children Last: A Woman
Reporter's Account of the Battle of Britain (1941)
Trail-blazing journalist's account of the Battle of Britain.
HILDE MARCHANT, The Home Front (1942)
Journalist's later reportage on life during wartime.
VERA LAUGHTON MATHEWS, Blue Tapestry (1948)
Memoir of her experiences as director
of the Women's Royal Naval Service (WRNS) during World War II.
CLARA MILBURN, Mrs. Milburn's Diaries (1979)
Important record of
domestic life in Coventry during the war—including the terrible raids on the
town and news that her son was M.I.A. after Dunkirk.
CONSTANCE MILES, Mrs. Miles's Diary (2013)
Wartime diary of a "housewife" (who also happens to have
written children's books and two novels).
NAOMI MITCHISON, Among You Taking Notes (1985)
Novelist's wartime diaries, which she began as a volunteer for Mass
1939-1945 (1989)
Novelist and scholar's memoir of life in Kent during the war, including
her time at a girls' school in the late years of the war.
GWENDA MORGAN, The Diary of a Land
Girl, 1939-1945 (2002)
Well-known engraver's diary of her time on a farm outside Petworth.
BESSY MYERS, Captured: My Experiences as an Ambulance
Driver and as a Prisoner of the Nazis (1941)
British ambulance driver's recollections of her service in France and
her time as a prisoner of war (alone with the likes of Colette).
BARBARA NIXON, Raiders Overhead (1943)
Memoir of the early years
of the war by an air raid warden.
EDITH OLIVIER, Night-Thoughts of a Country Landlady
semi-autobiographical musings on wartime life.
Her Journals, 1924-1948
Excerpts of her journals,
including those from World War II, interspersed with biographical
IRIS ORIGO, War in Val d'Orcia (1947)
Prominent biographer's account of living in Italy during World War II, helping refugee
children and later escaped Allied prisoners of war.
MOLLIE PANTER-DOWNES, London War Notes 1939-1945 (1971)
Collection of her wartime
"Letter from London" pieces from The New Yorker.
FRANCES PARTRIDGE, A Pacifist's War (1978)
First volume of her
voluminous diaries, detailing the complications of being, along with her
husband Ralph Partridge, a pacifist in wartime.
EVELYN PRENTIS, A Nurse in Action (1978)
The second volume (after A Nurse in Time) of Prentis' memoirs of a life in nursing covers her experiences
in London during the war years.
BARBARA PYM, A Very Private Eye (1984)
Pym's diaries,
including those written during the war.
HERMIONE RANFURLY, To War with Whitaker: The Wartime Diaries
of the Countess of Ranfurly, 1939–1945
WWII diaries about her
determination to follow her soldier husband into the Middle East and Africa.
JOAN RICE, Sand in My Shoes: Wartime Diaries of a
WAAF (2006)
Rich, humorous wartime
diaries by the mother of lyricist Tim Rice.
MOLLY RICH, A Vicarage in the Blitz: The Wartime
Letters of Molly Rich 1940-1944 (2010)
Collected wartime letters by the wife of Edward Rich, a prominent vicar.
Letters and Recollections (2008)
Collection of important poet's other writings, including many dealing
with her time in rural south Wales during World War II.
DIANA FORBES ROBERTSON, The Battle of Waterloo Road (1941)
Journalistic work focused on a single
London neighborhood during the Blitz.
NAOMI ROYDE-SMITH, Outside Information (1941)
Novelist's diary of the tumultuous first months of the war.
VITA SACKVILLE-WEST, Country Notes in Wartime (1941)
A compilation of short pieces on country life and gardening which first
appeared in The New Statesman and Nation.
VITA SACKVILLE-WEST, Vita and Harold: The Letters of Vita
Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson (1992)
Includes the prominent couple's letters from the war, when they were
often separated due to Nicolson's work in London.
HILDA SILBERMAN, Unimportant Letters of Important Years
1941-1951 (1951)
Silberman's letters
to friends during World War II and the years immediately after.
BARBARA SKELTON, Tears Before Bedtime (1987)
Novelist's acclaimed memoir of World War II.
EMMA SMITH, Maidens' Trip (1948)
Novelist's account of
working on the canals of England during the war.
MAY SMITH, These Wonderful Rumours!: A Young
Schoolteacher's Wartime Diaries 1939-1945 (2012)
Schoolteacher's witty war diaries,
telling of life as a teacher in a village near Derby.
NANCY SPAIN, Thank You, Nelson (1945)
Witty memoir of the
eccentric novelist's experiences in the W.R.N.S.
FREYA STARK, Dust in the Lion's Paw: Autobiography
1939-1946 (1961)
Travel author's recollections of the war years.
JOYCE STOREY, Joyce's War (1990)
Middle volume of Storey's popular trio of humorous memoirs, covering
the war years.
RUBY THOMPSON, World War II London Blitz Diary (2013)
Wartime diaries of an unhappily-married woman who used her diaries as
an outlet for her frustrations.
Memoir of her travels as a
dancer in wartime Europe.
Includes Warner's letters
recording her impressions of the war years.
heavily edited but vivid thoughts and reactions to the events of the Blitz
and the war in general.
HILARY WAYNE, Two Odd Soldiers (1946)
Details the exploits of the
author and her daughter in the ATS during WWII.
DOROTHY WHIPPLE, Random Commentary: Books and Journals Kept
from 1925 Onwards (1966)
"random" diary recording Whipple's literary success and personal
life; the second half or so feature the trials of the war years.
VIRGINIA WOOLF, The Diary of Virginia Woolf: Volume V
1936-1941 (1984)
Final volume of her
diary, in which the approach of war and the war itself is frequently
VIRGINIA WOOLF, Leave the Letters Till We're Dead:
Collected Letters VI 1936-1941 (1980)
Includes Woolf's
letters dealing with the war.
SUSAN WOOLFITT, Idle Women (1947)
Account of her experiences
as a canal boat worker during World War II.
JOAN WYNDHAM, Love Lessons (1985)
Irrepressible and
highly-sexed diaries of a young girl coming of age just as war begins.
JOAN WYNDHAM, Love Is Blue (1986)
The second half of her
rather scandalous wartime diaries, covering her times in the WAAF.
JOAN WYNDHAM, Anything Goes (1992)
Volume three of her
diaries, continuing her exploits into the postwar years.
Oh GREAT EXCITEMENT! A list of one of my favourite topics. Even more exciting is the fact that out of these I've only read 19 which means I can go on a search for all the rest.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU -I'm going to have great fun
Thank you Sue, and happy hunting!
DeleteI think you'd love Hermione (Countess) Ranfurly's 'To war with Whittaker'. She managed to follow her soldier husband to the Middle East and she was a very spirited writer.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I missed this one, and Ranfurly appears to belong on my main list as well. Another for my TBR list!
DeleteI'll give a strong second to Nomey's post. To War With Whittaker is not to be missed.
DeleteI second the recommendation of To War with Whitaker.
ReplyDeleteI'm clearly the only person who found Few Eggs and No Oranges by Drear Hodgson to be a very hard slog indeed.
My missing favourites? Henrietta's War and Henrietta Sees it Through by Joyce Dennys.
I liked Hodgson because she was so at the center of things--living in London throughout--and because her work brought her into contact with so many people. But you're not the first person I've run across who didn't like the book.
DeleteI love Dennys too, and she will pop up in a later section of the list. I put her in with fiction, because I get a feeling that, like the Provincial Lady, they are not exactly real diaries of day-to-day events.
Thank you for such a wonderful list! I've read lots of them but there are many more I haven't read. I'm looking forward to my Persephone copy of London War Notes. I'm reading Testament of Youth at the moment which reminded me of VB's WWII writing, England's Hour, a memoir of the beginning of the war & Wartime Chronicle, her diaries of WWII. I also loved Hermione Ranfurly. I listened to the audio book read by Patricia Hodge who was perfect.
ReplyDeleteYou're already adding more to my list, Lyn. Thank you for pointing out the Brittain diaries, and I wonder if I've placed England's Hour in the wrong section. I'll have to have a closer look. Thanks!
DeleteThis is really interesting, and I also have a copy of Persephone's 'London War Notes' on order. Another that you might consider is ''True to Both My Selves' by Katrin Fitzherbert. She was half-German and half-English and this memoir describes her experiences as a child in Germany before and during the war, followed by her life in England after the war. I found it fascinating. I also enjoyed 'Sand in My Shoes' by Joan Rice - her diaries from her time as a WAAF. Frances
ReplyDeleteThank you for the suggestions, Frances! I'll check both of them out--I've never come across either of them.
DeleteGreat stuff. I agree about Harriet Ranfurly too. There's also Emma Smith's Maidens' Trip, about working on canals in wartime. Maybe, when you've drawn breath (!), there's also a sub-section of memoirs/diaries set in Germany and/or Occupied Europe. In addition to Sybil Bannister and Katrin Fitzherbert, mentioned above, I can think of: Christabel Bielenberg / The Past is Myself; Marie Vassiltchikoff / The Berlin Diaries 1940-1945; Agnes Humbert / Resistance; Christian von Krockow / Hour of the Women; Mathilde Wolff-Monckeberg / On the Other Side; Edith Velmans / Edith's Story.
ReplyDeleteWonderful suggestions, Grace. Smith and Bielenberg are included on this list already, but several of the others are new to me. Experiences of the war years are so different depending on where one lived, and I should really explore the non-UK stories a bit more.
DeleteWhew! Scott, what a lot of memoirs, and they all look so enticing. I have a number of them (my Home Front books) but certainly could stand to pick up some more, I see. Still I should finish reading what I have first.
ReplyDeleteI see you mention Diana Forbes Robertson. Recently, while doing a major job of cataloguing ALL my books (not finished yet, but have done a good portion) I came across several I have no recollection of. One is a book co-edited by Diana Forbes Robertson called War Letters from Britain, a collection of letters by various people in 1940. Published in 1941.
Clearly not yet read, since I was unaware of it. :^). Anyway, I noted with interest it is inscribed by the editor to a friend, dated March 1941, Ellis Island.
It looks intriguing, so I'll have to report to you when I've read it.
Yes, Susan, definitely let me know what you think of the Forbes Robertson book. It will pop up later on when I do the anthologies list, but I have not read it. It sounds interesting!
DeleteMy 5 faves aren't the same as yours. I found Joan Wyndham to be completely non-sympatico, obsessed with cramming in as much drinking, drugs and sex with appalling men as she could possibly manage.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I love love love Safe Passage, by Ida Cook. (A much more worthy woman than Joan, as well as someone I'm sure I could sit down and have a nice chat with.) My fave list would also include Lucilla Andrews's No Time for Romance and Mrs. Milburn's Diaries.
I think I'll have to save this list and print it.
Have you really managed to get your hands on all of them, Scott?
Oh, heaven's no, Susan, I only have a fraction of these in my possession. There are limits to the capacity of a one-bedroom apartment! :-)
DeleteI think people either love Wyndham or hate her. For me, I found her detailing of being an oversexed teenage girl when war broke out a refreshing change from other more prim and proper accounts. Plus, she offers a rare glimpse of gay and lesbian life in the time. But she's certainly not for all tastes.
I do love Andrews' book and have always meant to read Mrs. Milburn. And BTW, I'm planning to post a link to a printer-friendly PDF of the complete list when it's finished...
As you'll see in other comments below, Sue, different readers certainly feel differently about Hodgson and Last, but I love them both for different reasons, so I hope you will too.
ReplyDeleteHow about " Three Came Home" - by Agnes Newton Keith? Living in Borneo, captured by the Japanese and survived - with her son, and her husband also survived in an even worse camp.
ReplyDeleteAnd there is the one by Emily Hahn.. after they got caught in Hong Kong.. sorry can't put a name to it right now..
Both of those ladies wrote several volumes of memoirs - all intensely readable - IMHO.
Perry P
Thanks, Perry! I haven't come across either of these, but I'm making a note of them right now and will look more closely at them.
DeleteFabulous idea! Thank you so much for doing this. I plan to print this out and compare it to what's on my bookshelves so that I'll know what to add to my TBR list.
ReplyDeleteGlad you're enjoying it. I do plan to post a PDF of the whole list once I've posted all the sections, if you want a more printer-friendly version.
DeleteWonderful - so much I would love to read here. Your lists are positively *dangerous*. ;-)
ReplyDeleteWell, Vicki, the old expression is "mad, bad, and dangerous to know." I've got the third characteristic covered at least (and Andy might say I'm well on the way to the first!)...
DeleteI'm so pleased to see you've included 'These Wonderful Rumours!' by May Smith. She was a school friend of my mother's, and I have a lovely water colour painting by May in my late mother's autograph album, as well as entries by other school friends mentioned in May's book. I have a photo of May, my mother and other friends at the tennis courts that she mentions too.
ReplyDeleteThat's so interesting, Christine. Thank you for sharing. I would love to see the painting and photo. It's always interesting coming across someone with a connection to these authors.
DeleteGoodness what a list I too loved Few Eggs & A Chelsea Concerto (which was very hard to get on interloan but finally the good old LC came through) I must put in OCLC requests for the the 3 others. Did you post a printer friendly link to this list? Obviously I need to start reading faster and forget about contemporary fiction since all these books remain on my not yet read list. Thank you for compiling
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed you managed to find Chelsea Concerto at all, Donna. I think it's one of the best of all WWII writing. Believe me, I know how overwhelming this list is--I often feel I must read faster (and, ideally, give up my job!), but that's part of the fun.
DeleteI did add a link to a PDF version of the list. It's at the top of this post, just under the links to the other sections of the list. Hope you find lots of other good stuff!