British Women Mystery Writers 1910-1960
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Can I manage to lead off all three sections of this list with a Hitchcock-related work or image? |
I've finally finished putting together part 2 (of 3) of The Mystery List, featuring all of the British women from my Overwhelming List who wrote mysteries. I've been having such fun with it that I was in danger of never finishing it at all. But I have finally, reluctantly, torn myself away from it.
Please do let me know if you spot any errors or oversights. Only this morning I made a correction to part 1 of the list, in which I had referred to Pamela Branch's debut novel as The Wicked Overcoat instead of The Wooden Overcoat. I shudder to think what sort of Freudian seething in my unconscious resulted in that error, but it was an ongoing one—I also had to correct it on my main list. Sadly, it will have to remain in error on the PDF version of the list until it corrects itself with the next update.
One of my favorite Mitchell covers; based on Mitchell's descriptions of Mrs. Bradley, this is certainly a closer approximation than Diana Rigg, who played her on TV |
However, on a more cheerful note, now that I am not dimwittedly searching for the wrong title, it turns out that the novel is available from the library after all. I remember thinking how odd it was that no library seemed to have it...
Hope you enjoy this portion of the list!
(née Baker, aka Olive
Baxter, aka Fay Ramsay)
Enormously prolific author of romantic suspense under
her own name and her pseudonyms. Crime
Fiction IV suggests that her more straightforward mystery/thrillers include Beloved Intruder (1949), Fugitive Wife (1960), and The Ghostly Melody (1977), but I can't
confirm or add to that. Among her
other titles are several very catchy ones, though, such as To Be Worthy of Shadows (1938), Green Eyes for Torture (1939), Synthetic Halo (1940), Ken's Watery Shroud (1942), Destiny for Jill (1961), and Sweet Trespasser (1978).
EDMISTON (1913-????)
(full name
Helen Jean Mary Edmiston, aka Helen Robertson)
Author of four mystery novels under her pseudonym and one non-mystery, The Shake-Up (1962), under her real
name. Her most acclaimed mystery is
1960's The Chinese Goose (aka Swan Song), which certainly sounds original
enough, involving a woman who may have been murdered by swans. A teenage girl investigates on her own and
in collaboration with a detective.
According to the Spectator, Venice of the Black Sea (1956) deals
with a "suspected sororicide" in "the seedy, shabby-genteel
atmosphere of Clapham and thereabouts," while The Crystal-Gazers (1957), focuses on an alchemist electrocuted
during a séance. The Winged Witnesses (1955), Edmiston's first novel, remains a
mystery in more ways than one—I could find no details about it.
EDWIN (1895-1985)
(née Thomson)
Novelist and children's author. Although I've found references to Edwin's
"three mystery novels" between 1930 and 1935, the only one I can
confirm is Sound Alibi (1935), in
which a blind criminologist's secretary falls prey to murder. The
Valiant Jester (1930), about which I can find no information, could be
another, but Windfall Harvest
(1931) and Atmosphere for Gloria
(1935) are, according to contemporary reviews, romantic dramas. If anyone has additional information,
please let me know. After the 1930s,
Edwin turned to children's fiction, often prominently featuring animals and
nature settings.
ELDER (1895-1988)
of Olive Gwendoline Potter, aka Margaret Potter)
Doctor and novelist, Elder wrote numerous girls’ school novels,
including Evelyn Finds Herself (1929), and six novels for adults,
often centered around medicine and the challenges and sacrifices of career
women. Much of her work has been
reprinted in recent years by Girls Gone By and by Greyladies, including
Elder's one mystery, The Mystery of the
Purple Bentley (1932), about a woman doctor whose disappearance is
investigated by her nurse/assistant.
ERSKINE (1901-1984)
(pseudonym of Margaret
Wetherby Williams)
Born in Canada but raised in England, Erskine was a crime novelist who
published more than 20 novels from the 1930s to the 1970s, many featuring
Inspector Septimus Finch. Titles
include And Being Dead (1938), Whispering House (1947), Give up the Ghost (1949), The Disappearing Bridegroom (1950), Dead by Now (1953), Old Mrs. Ommanney Is Dead (1955), The Ewe Lamb (1968), and Besides the Wench Is Dead (1975).
ERSKINE-LINDOP (1920-1986)
(married name Leslie)
Actress, screenwriter, and author of romantic, mystery, and historical
fiction; non-mystery titles include The
Tall Headlines (1950), The Singer
Not the Song (1953), set in Mexico, and The Way to the Lantern (1961), set in the French Revolution. Although I Start Counting (1966) won the Prix Roman Policier, it seems to
be part romantic suspense, part coming-of-age tale (see a review of it here). Mist
Over Talla (1957), another suspense drama, became the 1962 film I Thank a Fool. Erskine-Lindop wrote more than a dozen
novels in all, as well as several movie screenplays.
EYLES (1889-1960)
(née Pitcairn, married
name Murray, aka Elizabeth Lomond? [see entry for Lomond below])
Journalist and novelist who focused on working class women in her
non-fiction The Woman in the Little
House (1922) and novels like Margaret Protests (1919) and Hidden Lives (1922). In the 1930s Eyles published three successful
mysteries—They Wanted Him Dead
(1936), Death of a Dog (1936) and No Second Best (1939).
FARRER (1911-1972)
(née Newton)
The wife of an Oxford don, Farrer published three mysteries in the
1950s, as well as one non-mystery novel, At Odds With Morning (1960),
described as "a satire of a self-appointed saint." Her mysteries feature detective Richard
Ringwood and his wife, Clare, and although critics note that her plots can at
times be clumsy, she is known for the wealth of detail she offers about the
subject at hand in each book. The Missing Link (1952) is set at
Oxford, but offers information about child-rearing and the Romany dialect, Gownsman's Gallows (1954) is set in
France, and The Cretan Counterfeit
(1957) is set in and around the British Museum and makes prominent use of
archaeological concerns and behind-the-scenes details about the museum itself
and its Bloomsbury surroundings. As
for many other mystery authors, Rue Morgue Press offers detailed
information on Farrer and her work.
[ARIELL] FERGUSON (dates unknown)
Prolific author of romance, suspense, and other popular fiction from
the 1930s to 1970s; titles include Forbidden
Fires (1930), Flambeau (1934), Bid Time Return (1941), The Sign of the Ram (1943), Harvest of Nettles (1952), Here Are Dragons (1956), and Bird on the Wing (1968).
RUBY FERGUSON (1899-1966)
(née Ruby Constance Ashby,
aka R. C. Ashby)
Best known now
for her popular series of girls' horse stories, starting with Jill's Gymkhana (1949), and for her wonderful
novel Lady Rose and Mrs. Memmary
(1937, available from Persephone), Ferguson began her career with a series of nine
mysteries published under her maiden name, which are known for combining the
rationality of detective novels with surprising supernatural elements that
are sometimes debunked and sometimes—perhaps most interestingly—not. Most of her R. C. Ashby novels are now
vanishingly rare, but two have been reprinted in recent years—Death at Tiptoe (1931), by Greyladies
(now out of print), and He Arrived at
Dusk (1933), by Valancourt
latter of which, about a manor house in Wales apparently haunted by the
violent ghost of a Roman soldier, is often considered to be her best work in
the genre. A couple of years ago, I lucked
out and happened across a copy of Out
Went the Taper (1934), in which some at least of the apparently
supernatural events remain intriguingly unexplained, and I enjoyed it a
lot. The other R. C. Ashby novels are The
Moorland Man (1926), The Tale of Rowan Christie (1927),
Beauty Bewitched (1928), Plot Against a Widow (1932),
One Way Traffic (1933), and one which apparently was never
published in book form but appeared in a periodical called The Methodist (Vol. 90, June 1932, if
any of you are obsessive enough to track it down—and if you are, please make
a copy for me!), called Miss Graham's Guest. She appears to have returned
(sort of) to the mystery genre with her final two novels, The Wakeful Guest (1962) and A Woman With a Secret (1965). I read the former, set in the immediate
postwar period, but felt that it couldn't "seem to decide whether to be
a murder mystery or an odd social novel about war refugees coming into
contact with superficial young girls."
FERRARS (1907-1995)
(pseudonym of Morna Doris
MacTaggart, married name Brown)
A popular author of mysteries from the 1940s to the 1990s, Ferrars
began her career with two mainstream novels published under her real name, Turn Simple (1932) and Broken Music (1934). The main
characters of Ferrars' mysteries are often creative types moving in a fairly
genteel, upper-middle-class world, and her novels have been described as
"politely feminist." I'm
particularly intrigued by I, Said the
Fly (1945), set in wartime London in the neighborhood around the British
Museum (a setting which recurred in several other mysteries). Ferrars wrote
several sequences of novels with overlapping characters and settings—a
light-hearted early series featuring Toby Dyke; Inspector Dittredge novels
set in the fictional town of Helsington and its nearby villages; Police Chief
Raposo novels set in Madeira; several novels featuring retired botany
professor, Andrew Basnett; and a late series featuring Virginia and Felix
Freer, a separated (but not divorced) married couple. Other titles include Give a Corpse a Bad Name (1940), Your Neck in a Noose (1942), The
March Hare Murders (1949), Alibi
for a Witch (1952), Furnished for
Murder (1957), The Decayed
Gentlewoman (1964), A Stranger and
Afraid (1971), Skeleton in Search
of a Cupboard (1982), and Answer
Came There None (1992).
(dates unknown)
(pseudonym of Dorothy
Mystery writer of the 1920s-1940s whose real identity remains shrouded
in obscurity; titles include Deep
Currents (1924), The Eames Erskine
Case (1924), The Charteris Mystery
(1925), The Footsteps That Stopped
(1926), The Clifford Affair (1927),
The Net around Joan Ingilby (1928),
Murder at the Nook (1929), The Craig Poisoning Mystery (1930), The Wedding-Chest Mystery (1930), The Upfold
Farm Mystery (1931), The Westwood
Mystery (1932), The Tall House
Mystery (1933), Tragedy at
Beechcroft (1935), Mystery at the
Rectory (1936), Black Cats Are
Lucky (1937), Murder in Suffolk
(1938), and Pointer to a Crime
(1944). Several of Fielding's mysteries have been released in the past year
or two as e-books, at quite enticing prices.
(née Gibson)
Also a children's author, Fleming's mysteries are notable for their
variety of style and approach. Her
best known works include Maiden's Prayer (1957), The Man from Nowhere (1960), and Midnight Hag (1966). Maiden's Prayer deals with a middle-aged
spinster in peril, and the Times
Literary Supplement said of it: "The atmosphere of the shabby
Georgian house in London and the suspense created by Miss Maiden's extreme
vulnerability are well conveyed."
The Man from Nowhere deals
with a newcomer in an English village, who becomes the prime suspect when a
murder occurs. Midnight Hag similarly focuses on the return of a former resident
to the village in which his wife died many years before. Other titles include Two Lovers Too Many (1949), The
Gallows in My Garden (1951), Polly
Put the Kettle On (1952), Malice
Matrimonial (1959), Death of a
Sardine (1963), Dirty Butter for
Servants (1972), and Too Late! Too
Late! The Maiden Cried (1975).
FRASER-SIMSON (1896-1959)
(née Devenish)
Author of a children's series featuring a character called Golly Smith,
Fraser-Simson began her career with five novels for adults, at least some of
which are mysteries. In 1927, the Bookman called Footsteps in the Night (1927)a novel of mystery and adventure and
said of it: "Mrs. Fraser-Simson has drawn real and likeable characters
who behave and speak with a delightful naturalness, often very amusingly, and
the strength of her plot depends on the fact that the happenings are probable
and the explanations perfectly convincing. For this reason the book is much
more exciting than the average one of its kind, and to say that you cannot
put it down until you have read every word of it is, in this instance, no
exaggeration." Her other novels,
about which less information is available, were The Swinging Shutter (1927), Danger
Follows (1929), Count the Hours
(1940), and Another Spring (1953).
FREEMAN (1879-1959)
(aka Mary Fitt, Stuart
Mary Wick, and Caroline Cory)
Classical scholar,
children's author and novelist who started her career publishing elegant
mainstream fiction including Martin
Hanner (1926), Quarrelling with
Lois (1928), The Huge Shipwreck
(1934), and Gown and Shroud
(1947). She is better remembered for
her highly literary Inspector Mallet mystery series, which began with Expected Death (1938). Critics have compared her to the likes of
Elizabeth Bowen and Dorothy Sayers, and it seems like she would be ripe for
rediscovery, but sadly there are no signs of that happening so far. Other mystery titles include Murder of a Mouse (1939), Death on Herons' Mere (1941), Death and the Pleasant Voices (1946), Pity for Pamela (1950), Sweet Poison (1956), Mizmaze (1958), and There Are More Ways of Killing...
FREMLIN (1914-2009)
(married names Goller and
Though best known as a crime novelist, Fremlin began her writing career
as a journalit. The Seven Chars of Chelsea (1940) details her experiences in
domestic service (apparently a trendy topic at the time, as Monica Dickens' One Pair of Hands had just appeared
the previous year—though somehow I suspect Fremlin's is a bit more serious in
nature), and her War Factory
(1943), a Mass Observation publication, is a vivid view of wartime factory
life. In 1958, with The Hours Before Dawn, Fremlin began a
successful string of crime novels which often focused on the fears and
vulnerabilities of ordinary women. The Hours Before Dawn, perhaps still
her most famous novel, is about a new mother who becomes convinced that her
lodger is a threat to her and her infant.
Other works include Uncle Paul
(1959), The Trouble-Makers (1963), Prisoner's Base (1967), Appointment with Yesterday (1972), and
Listening in the Dusk (1990).
PAMELA FRY (1916-????)
(full name Adele Pamela Fry)
Author who
straddles this list and its so-far-nonexistent Canadian equivalent—she was
born in England and emigrated to Canada at age 12. Fry published two mystery
novels, Harsh Evidence (1953) and The Watching Cat (1960), as well as,
rather oddly, a cookbook called Cooking
the American Way (1963). She was apparently also an actress and political
activist, though researcher John Herrington noted that on passenger lists for
her regular trips across the Atlantic, her profession is always given as
(married names Terry and Ames, aka Rachel Ames)
Journalist and
novelist best known for Night Falls on
the City (1967), a bestseller set in wartime Vienna, Gainham published
several earlier spy novels (several reviewed here) and continued publishing until 1983; other titles
include Time Right Deadly (1956), The Cold Dark Night (1957), The Silent Hostage (1960), Private Worlds (1971), and The Tiger, Life (1983).
(née Humphreys)
translator and author of six novels (sometimes "bawdy"), including Strike for a Kingdom (1959), Man's Desiring (1960), The Small Mine (1962), Travels with a Duchess (1968), You're Welcome to Ulster! (1970), and In These Promiscuous Parts (1986). Strike for a Kingdom is described as a
detective novel set in a Welsh mining village hosting its annual Carnival at
the time of the 1926 General Strike, in the midst of which the hated mine
manager is murdered. Critics referred to it as both "an outstanding
detective story" and "a poet's novel." None of Gallie's other
works appear to be mystery-themed.
(née Walters, aka D. F.
Gardiner, aka Theodore Frank)
Author of five novels in the 1920s and 1930s, most or all of them mysteries,
including The Lifted Latch (1929), The Prison House (1929), Another Night, Another Day (1930), The Beguiling Shore (1930), and Murder at a Dog Show (1935). The last in particular sounds like fun, but
I haven't found any details about her novels so far.
(pseudonym of Amy Grace
Catherine Lowndes)
Sister of Dorothy Lowndes (aka Dolf Wyllarde), Grace also worked in the
London theatre and published two novels of her own. The Cloak
of St. Martin (1913), about the children of a wrongly-hanged man trying
to put their lives back together, sounds rather like melodrama, but The House of Silent Footsteps (1917),
about a gang of romantic burglars and their pursuit by a young journalist,
might more or less fit this list.
DULCIE GRAY (1915-2011)
(pseudonym & stage name of Dulcie Winifred
Catherine Denison, née Savage)
A veteran actress of stage, television, and
film (including the screen version of Dorothy Whipple's They Were Sisters), Gray also wrote more than 20 novels, most of
them mysteries characterized, according to one critic, by their "zest
and energy." She was reportedly a
fan of Agatha Christie, and some of her works evoke her work. Others are more psychological in nature, and
Gray also published adventure and horror stories. Her titles include Murder on the Stairs (1957), Epitaph
for a Dead Actor (1960), 1960, Murder
on a Saturday (1961), The Devil
Wore Scarlet (1964), Died in the
Red (1967), The Murder of Love
(1967), and (one of my favorite titles of all time) Deadly Lampshade (1971).
JANET GREEN (1908-1993)
(pseudonym of Ethel Victoria Green)
Playwright and
author of a single novel, Murder
Mistaken (1953), based on her earlier play and later filmed as Cast a Dark Shadow, starring Dirk
Bogarde and Margaret Lockwood; the story is about a man who murders his wife
for her money, only to find her fortune isn't what he expected, so he goes on
the prowl for another victim…
More research
needed; author of a dozen or more novels from the 1900s to the 1930s, among
them several mysteries; titles include Mrs.
Vannock (1907), The Tavistocks
(1908), Pearl and Plain (1927), Amber and Jade (1928), Genesta (1930), Conscience (1931), Delia’s
Dilemma (1934), Motive for Murder
(1935, in collaboration with Joy Griffin), Commandments Six and Eight (1936), Sweets and Sinners (1937), and “Where There Is a Will…” (1939 ). The Punt Murder (1936) seems to have been reprinted in recent
years and remains in print.
GRIFFIN (1913-1973)
(full name
Ursula Mary Joy Griffin)
Probably the daughter or sister-in-law of novelist
Aceituna Griffin, and co-author (with Griffin) of a single mystery, Motive for Murder (1935).
[CLARICE] GROOM (1872-1954)
Cornwell, earlier married names Klein and Dealtry, aka Kit Dealtry, aka C.
Groom, aka Mrs. Sydney Groom)
Author of at least a dozen novels 1910s-1950, some
of them mysteries; titles include Ill-Gotten
Gain (1909), Shadows of Desires
(1918), The Mystery of Mr. Bernard
Brown (1920), Detective Sylvia
Shale (1924), The Folly of Fear
(1947), Phantom Fortune (1948), and
The Recoil (1952).
HALL (1914-????)
of Norah Eleanor Lyle Hall, née Cummins)
Author of ten children's adventures 1952-1970; most
are historical—The Devilish Plot
(1965) is set in Napoleonic England, and later titles such as The Marked Man (1967), Colonel Bull's Inheritance (1968), Beware of Moonlight (1969), and The Minstrel Boy (1970), are set in
historical Ireland; The Mystery of
Torland Manor (1952) and The K. F.
Conspiracy (1955) appear to have contemporary settings and presumably
have mystery elements.
ELAINE HAMILTON (c1882-1967)
(married name Holt)
Mystery writer
of the 1930s whose series character was Inspector Thomas Reynolds. Her books are Some Unknown Hand (1930, aka The
Westminster Mystery), Murder in the
Fog (1931), The Chelsea Mystery
(1932), The Green Death (1932), The Silent Bell (1933), Peril at Midnight (1934), Tragedy in the Dark (1935), The Casino Mystery (1936), and Murder Before Tuesday (1937). Some of
her titles have now been released as e-books.
HAMILTON (1884-1962)
(née Adamson, aka
One of the first women elected to the House of Commons, Hamilton was
also a translator (from German) and novelist; Virginia Woolf wrote
dismissively about her in her diaries: "The truth is that Molly Hamilton
with all her ability to think like a man, & her strong and serviceable
mind, & her independent self-respecting life is not a writer." Nevertheless, she received some acclaim for
Dead Yesterday (1916), which
focused on intellectuals and pacifism during World War I. Her one mystery is 1931's Murder in the House of Commons, of
which the New York Times said that
Hamilton had "succeeded in demonstrating that a novel of British
politics can be, even though a murder mystery is incorporated in it, almost
as dull reading as the stenographic report of the proceedings of any
legislative assembly." Ouch.
HAY (1894–1979)
(married name Fitzrandolph)
Author of three mystery novels of the mid-1930s, recently rediscovered
and reprinted (as physical as well as e-books) by the British Library—Murder Underground (1934), Death on the Cherwell (1935), and The Santa Klaus Murder (1936); she
also co-wrote several books about rural crafts in the 1920s.
Mystery author who in the 1920s was one of only two women mystery
writers published by the famous Bodley Head publishing house—the other being
Agatha Christie. Haynes was remarkably prolific, though, according to the
introduction to the Dean Street Press edition of her novels, her earliest
novels—appearing at least by the 1910s—were serialized and never appeared in
book form. In 1923, she finally published her first book, and rapidly
followed it with 11 more in just a few years.
Her titles include The Bungalow
Mystery (1923), The Abbey Court
Murder (1923, originally serialized as Lady Carew's Secret), The
Secret of Greylands (1924), The
Witness on the Roof (1925), The
Blue Diamond (1925), The House in
Charlton Crescent (1926), The
Master of the Priory (1927, originally serialized as The Governess at the Priory), The
Crow’s Inn Tragedy (1927), The Man
with the Dark Beard (1928), The
Crime at Tattenham Corner (1929), Who
Killed Charmian Karslake (1929), and The
Crystal Beads Murder (1930), the last of which was completed by another
author after her death. On the basis of textual evidence, mystery scholar
Curtis Evans, in the Dean Street Press edition of Crystal Beads, speculates that the author may have been Lucy
Beatrice Malleson, who also has an entry on this list, and who was best known
for the mysteries she wrote under the pseudonym Anthony Gilbert. Happily, Dean Street is in the
process of reprinting all of Haynes' novels in paperback and e-book format.
(aka M. V. Heberden, aka Charles L. Leonard)
Born in England
but lived in the U.S. for most of her adult life; stage actress both in
England and (more successfully) on Broadway, where for a year and a half
1935-1937 she played a supporting role in Victoria
Regina, which starred Helen Hayes as Queen Victoria. Later, she was the
author of more than 30 mystery and spy novels 1939-1953, many under the
Charles L. Leonard pseudonym (the name of her father, Charles Lewis Heberden,
a rector, who died when she was only 5. Her series characters were Desmond
Shannon, a New York private investigator, Rick Vanner, a former Navy spy, and
Paul Kilgerrin, a wounded veteran of World War II who works with American spy
organizations, with his sidekick Gerry Cordent, a female pilot. Including all
the ones I've tracked down, with alternate (English language) titles where I
know them, her books are Death on the
Doormat (1939), Fugitive from
Murder (1940), Subscription to
Murder (1940), Aces, Eights, &
Murder (1941), The Lobster Pick
Murder (1941), Deadline for
Destruction (1942), Murder Follows
Desmond Shannon (1942), The Stolen
Squadron (1942), Murder Makes a
Racket (1942), Murder Goes Astray
(1943), The Fanatic of Fez (1943,
aka Assignment to Death), The Secret of the Spa (1944), Murder of a Stuffed Shirt (1944), To What Dread End (1944), Expert in Murder (1945), Vicious Pattern (1945), Murder Cancels All Debts (1946), Pursuit in Peru (1946), They Can't All Be Guilty (1947), Search for a Scientist (1947), The 4th Funeral (1948), Drinks on the Victim (1948), The Case of the Eight Brothers (1948),
Sinister Shelter (1949), Engaged to Murder (1949), Exit This Way (1950, aka You'll Fry Tomorrow), Secrets for Sale (1950), That's the Spirit (1950, aka Ghosts Can't Kill), The Sleeping Witness (1951), Treachery in Trieste (1951), Tragic Target (1952), and Murder Unlimited (1953).
(née Brown, earlier married name Pitcher, aka
Dorothea Martin)
Author of
nearly two dozen novels from the 1930s-1950s. These include mysteries and
thrillers such as her wartime works Lady
Gone Astray (1941), about a young heiress with amnesia up against
unscrupulous refugees, and The Mice Are
Not Amused (1942), about a legal secretary who takes a job as doorman at
a block of flats infested with Fifth Columnists. Presumably some of her other
works, such as Stand-in for Danger
(1940) and Murder in the Ballroom
(1948), are also mysteries or thrillers.
HEYER (1902-1974)
(married name Rougier, aka
Stella Martin)
A prolific and much-loved author of Regency romance novels, Heyer also
penned a dozen popular mysteries, including Footsteps in the Dark (1932) Why
Shoot a Butler? (1933), The
Unfinished Clue (1934), Merely
Murder (1935, aka Death in the
Stocks), Behold, Here's Poison!
(1936), The Talisman Ring (1936), They Found Him Dead (1937), A Blunt Instrument (1938), Penhallow (1942), Envious Casca (1941), Duplicate
Death (1951), and Detection
Unlimited (1953). Happily (and unusually for this list and this blog
overall), all of Heyers mysteries are in print and readily available.
HIBBERT (1906-1993)
(née Burford, aka Jean
Plaidy, aka Victoria Holt, Philippa Carr, Eleanor Alice Burford, Elbur Ford,
Ellalice Tate, and Kathleen Kellow)
Popular author of over
200 novels, including historical novels, Gothic romances, and historical
romances, particularly under her enormously popular Plaidy, Holt, and Carr
pseudonyms. Less well-known are the four mysteries she wrote under the
pseudonym Elbur Ford—The Flesh and the
Devil (1950), Poison in Pimlico
(1950), The Bed Disturbed (1952),
and Evil in the House (1953, aka Such Butter Business).
(née Hannay)
More research
needed; author of several children's books, including The Unexpected Adventure (1935) and Bulldog Sheila, or, The Gang (1936), as well as at least two
mystery novels, The Corpse in the
Church (1934) and The Hand, or,
Mystery at Number Ten (1937). Details
are sketchy.
HOCKING (1890-1966)
(née Messer, aka Mona
Messer, aka Mona Dunlop)
From a very
writerly family (father Joseph, uncle Silas, aunt Salome, and younger sisters
Elizabeth Nisot and Joan Carew Shill were all published novelists as well),
Anne Hocking published her pseudonymous first novel (as Mona Dunlop), a
non-mystery called The Guarded Trust,
in 1915, which was dismissed by Dominion
as amateurish and sentimental. She
didn't publish again until 1930, when A
Castle For Sale began a string of successful mysteries which appeared at
regular intervals until her death. Her series characters were Inspector Curtis
and Sergeant Flyte. Other titles
include Cat's Paw (1933), Walk Into My Parlour (1934), Stranglehold (1936), What A Tangled Web (1937), The Wicked Flee (1940), Six Green Bottles (1943), The Vultures Gather (1945), At the Cedars (1949), Death Among the Tulips (1953), And No One Wept (1954), Relative Murder (1957), Poisoned Chalice (1959), The Thin Spun Life (1960), and He Had To Die (1962).
(full name Helen Charlotte Hough, née Woodyadd,
later married name Ackroyd)
Mother of
novelist Deborah Moggach; author of more than 20 children's books 1956-1978,
and a single adult novel, The
Bassington Murder (1980), featuring an amateur sleuth in a small English
village. She worked on a second mystery, but in the 1980s, she went to prison
for assisting an elderly friend in committing suicide, and the experience was
so traumatic that she was unable to return to writing. Her daughter wrote a
poignant obituary for the Telegraph,
which can be read here.
MURIEL HOWE (1898-1987)
(married name Smithies, aka Newlyn Nash [with sister
Doris Howe])
Sister of Doris
Howe; author of more than 20 novels, including several collaborations with
her sister that appear to have been romantic suspense. Two of her own titles,
however, The Affair at Falconers
(1957) and Pendragon (1958) were
more straightforward mysteries. Other titles include If There Be One (1944), Master
of Skelgale (1946), Heatherling
(1950), A House of Character
(1953), Beach of Dreams (1961), and
The Pearl (1963).
ELIZABETH]. HURT (1911-1999)
Author of numerous children's books and a series of mysteries; works
include the school stories The
Wonderful Birthday (1953) and Fun
Next Door (1954), as well as The
Body at Busman's Hollow (1959), Sweet
Death (1961), Death and the Dark
Daughter (1966), and Dark Design
IRONSIDE (c1866-c1945)
(pseudonym of Euphemia
Margaret Tait)
Author of nine novels, most of them mysteries, in
the 1910s to 1940s. Titles include The Red Symbol (1911), Forged in Strong Fires (1912), The Call-Box Mystery (1923), Chris: A Love Story (1926), Jack of Clubs (1931), The Marten Mystery (1933), Blackmail (1938), Lady Pamela's Pearls (1941), and The Crime and the Casket (1945).
(married name Birkinshaw, aka Pearl Bellairs)
Daughter of
author Edgar Alfred Jepson, sister of crime novelist Selwyn Jepson, and
mother of novelist Fay Weldon. She wrote seven novels, some of which appear
to be thrillers, but details are scarce. Titles are Miss Amagee in Africa (1932), Via
Panama (1934), Velvet and Steel
(1935), The Cups of Alexander
(1937), Murderess? (1946), Her Destiny (1948), and Love Spurned (1948).
JERROLD (1898-1977)
(née Bridgman, married
name Menges, aka Geraldine Bridgman)
Once a praised member of the Detection Club, as well as a mainstream novelist
from the 1920s to 1960. Jerrold's two underrated Golden Age mysteries, The Studio Crime (1929) and Dead Man’s Quarry (1930), have been
reprinted by Dean Street Press. In some sources she is
credited with writing no additional mysteries, but it appears that she also
published two later novels under the pseudonym Geraldine Bridgman—Let Him Lie (1940) and There May Be Danger (1948)—which seem
to be more in the thriller vein. Jerrold also published 18 other novels, some
romantic in subject matter; non-mystery titles include Hangingstone Farm (1924), Summer's
Day (1933), Seaside Comedy
(1934), The Dogs Do Bark (1936), The Stones Await Us (1945), Love in London (1947), The Coming of Age (1950), Transit of Saturn (1952), and My Twin and I (1966).
TENNYSON JESSE (1888-1958)
(married name Harwood)
Novelist, historian, criminologist, and journalist (during World War I
she was one of the few women war correspondents), Jesse is not a crime or
mystery writer in the usual sense, but she published numerous works of
non-fiction about well-known crimes and trials, and some of her fiction is
also focused on crime, such as Moonraker:
or, The Female Pirate and Her Friends (1927) and A Pin to See the Peepshow (1934), a novel about a famous murder
case. The latter work, as well as The Lacquer Lady (1929), about life at
the Burmese Royal Palace, were both reprinted by Virago in the 1980s. Jesse also wrote three collections of
stories, many of which contain mystery or crime elements—Beggars on Horseback (1915), Many
Latitudes (1928), and The Solange
Stories (1931).
KATHERINE JOHN (1906-1984)
(née Gower)
translator from Scandinavian languages into English, and author, with her
husband Romilly John, of a single well-received mystery novel, Death by Request (1933), which was
reprinted by Hogarth Crime in the 1980s.
(full name Anna Dorothy Philippa Johnson)
Author of four
novels, at least one of which, The
Death of a Spinster (1931) appears to be a thriller; the others are Doris (1925), To Meet Mr. Stanley (1926), and Private Inquiries (1932).
JOHNSTON (1909-1955)
Author of six novels and a short story collection, mostly dark
psychological drama, including several works focused on crime or
criminals. Hanging Johnny (1927) is about "a misunderstood
executioner," while A Robin
Redbreast in a Cage (1950), is about an acquitted murderer and his
relationship with a female prison warden who has herself been scarred by an
brutal attack. These are certainly not
light whodunits! Johnston's other
titles include Relentless (1930), The Maiden (1932), The Rising (1939), and Amiel (1941), the last dealing the
horrors of war.
(married names Stewart and
Snow, aka Nap Lombard [with Gordon Neil Stewart])
Popular author of
satirical novels, of which The
Unspeakable Skipton (1959), based on the life of the infamous Baron
Corvo, is often regarded as her best; others include the wartime novels The Family Pattern (1942) and Winter Quarters (1943), and Catherine Carter (1952). Early in her
career, she co-wrote two pseudonymous mysteries with her first husband—Tidy Death (1940) and Murder's a Swine (1943, aka The Grinning Pig).
M[ARY]. M[ARGARET]. KAYE (1908-2004)
(married name Hamilton, aka Mollie Hamilton, aka
Mollie/Molly Kaye)
author, memoirist, and bestselling novelist, best known for The Far Pavilions (1978), an epic of
the British Raj; other works include Six
Bars at Seven (1940), Shadow of the
Moon (1957), and Trade Wind
(1963). She also published a series of mysteries set in exotic locales where
she and her husband were stationed. These include Death Walked in Kashmir (1953, reprinted as Death in Kashmir), Death
Walked in Berlin (1955, reprinted as Death
in Berlin), Death Walked in Cyprus
(1956, reprinted as Death in Cyprus),
Later Than You Think (1958,
reprinted as Death in Kenya), The House of Shade (1959, reprinted as
Death in Zanzibar), and Night on the Island (1960, reprinted
as Death in the Andamans).
KEATE (c1867-1945)
Author of a popular guide to Hampton Court Palace (1932), Keate also
wrote several novels about which little information is available. The
Jackanapes Jacket: A Thrilling Story of a Murder at Hampton Court (1931),
at least, certainly seems like a mystery.
Some of her other titles could be as well. These include A Garden of the Gods (1914), A
Wild-Cat Scheme (1930), The Mimic
(1932), and Demon of the Air
(1927- )
(née Coolican)
Author of 10 acclaimed mystery novels.
The St. James Guide to Crime
& Mystery Writers makes The
Twenty-Fifth Hour (1971) sound completely irresistible: "It tells of
an Englishwoman holidaying in Normandy with a small barely illegal task to
perform on the side. A story so mild as hardly to exist. The woman does later
become involved in a plot concerned with an extreme Rightist organisation,
but again this is pretty conventional and even tame. Yet one reads almost as
eagerly as if the story had been put together by Alistair MacLean and the
plot devised by Ira Levin because from her very first sentence Mary Kelly
observed so meticulously, described so exactly and economically." Kelly's other novels are A Cold Coming (1956), Dead Man's Riddle (1957), The Christmas Egg (1958), The Spoilt Kill (1961, reprinted by
Virago), Due to a Death (1962, aka The Dead of Summer), March to the Gallows (1964), Dead Corse (1966), Write on Both Sides of the Paper
(1969), and That Girl in the Alley
(1974), after which she apparently stopped writing.
MARY KENT (1877-????)
(pseudonym of Mabel Mary Powell Buckey [with James
Chapman Andrews, writing as Michael Kent], married name Andrews)
Author, with
her husband, of a single mystery novel, The
Armitage Case (1943).
KEYNES (1892-1975)
(aka Clementine Hunter)
Author of adventure and mystery novels. She published six books in all (that I have
been able to track down), and the last four in particular appear to be
mysteries or thrillers. Her titles are
The Spanish Marriage: A Romance
(1913), Honour the King: A Romance
(1914), Murder in Rosemary Lane
(1936), Who Killed Jefferson Broome?
(1937), Salute to the Brave: A
Thrilling Story of the Gestapo in England (1940), and Queens Have Died Young and Fair (1947). Judging by its cover, the last of those also
seems to be set in wartime.
(pseudonym of Elisabeth Lambert Ortiz-Tinoco, aka
Elisabeth Lambert Ortiz)
Best known as a
food writer, especially on Latin American cuisine, Lambert was born in the UK
but lived in Jamaica and Australia in her childhood; she published poetry and
two novels, The Sleeping House Party
(1951), a mystery set at an Australian artist's colony, and Father Couldn't Juggle (1954), about a
girl growing up in Jamaica. A review of The
Sleeping House Party in the Sydney
Morning Herald piques my interest a bit; the narrator is the hired
companion of the founder of the artist's colony, whom she describes:
"She is generous, kind and hospitable and I think she is a bitch … very
keen on high culture, but no slut under a hedge was more immoral than she, no
baggage less principled." Yikes. A description of the characters include
two interior decorators who appear to be gay men. The review concludes:
"Detection is mediocre. The interest lies in the way this extraordinary
crew spit, scratch and splutter under police questioning. The style is tough,
frisky or mincing." Hmmmm, I wonder…
JANE LANGSLOW (dates unknown)
(possibly pseudonym of Maud Diver?)
Apparently the
co-author (with Margaret Rivers Larminie) of a single novel, Gory Knight (1937), a parody of the
kind of "round robin" detective novels popular at the time. Martin
Edwards discusses the novel and the possibility that she is really Diver here. Edwards—reading the novel with mystery writer
Margaret Yorke, a distant cousin of Larminie's—concluded: "The story
parodies the celebrated detectives Hercule Poirot, Lord Peter Wimsey (and his
manservant Bunter), Reggie Fortune, Dr Priestley and Inspector French—although
the French character appears only in the final stages of the book .The
sleuths gather, by improbable means, in an English country house, and are
immediately greeted by the disappearance of the cook (the eponymous Ms
Knight.) It is an entertaining piece of work. The plot is slight, and
stretched out excessively, but to my mind there is much pleasure to be had in
the way MRL and ‘Jane Langslow’ render the eccentricities of Poirot, Wimsey
and Bunter in particular."
(married name Tragett)
Distant cousin of mystery writer Margaret Yorke; author of eight
novels, including Echo (1923), Soames Green (1925), and The Visiting Moon (1932). Bookman described her 1924 novel Deep Meadows as a "very long
novel concerning marriage and its ramifications." Her final work was a
parody mystery, Gory Knight (1937),
co-written with unidentified author Jane Langslow, who, according to Martin
Edwards (see here), may be novelist Maud
Diver. See Langslow's entry just above for Edwards' assessment of the novel.
LEIGHTON (1869-1941)
(née Connor, aka Mrs.
Robert Leighton)
Mother of Ronald Leighton, Vera Brittain's fiancé
who was killed in WWI, and engraver Clare Leighton, and a prolific author of
romance novels and thrillers. After a
brief jaunt as an actress in her youth, Leighton published her first novel, Beauty's Queen (1884) at age 16. Initially publishing historical fiction and
romance, after the turn of the century she focused on a prolific output of
mysteries and thrillers, many of which featured female heroines. Among her several dozen books are Convict 413L (1910), The Bride of Dutton (1911), The Silver Stair (1914), The Shame of Silence (1917), Lucile Dare, Detective (1919), and Convict 100 (1920).
HILDA LEWIS (1896-1974)
Historical novelist and
children's author best known for The
Ship That Flew (1939), about a toy ship that travels in time; her novels
for adults include several based on notorious real-life crimes. These include Said Dr. Spendlove (1940, aka Case
of the Little Doctor), focusing on the Crippen case, Strange Story (1945), a tale of two twin girls, one of whom
murders the other, and A Mortal Malice
(1963), which deals with the 17th century poisoning of Sir Overbury in the
Tower of London. The latter of which
is one of historian Alison Weir's favorite novels—see what Weir has to say
about Lewis, and about her other favorites, here. Other
titles include Pegasus Yoked
(1933), Imogen Under Glass (1943), The Day Is Ours (1947), Wife to Henry V (1954), and The Witch and the Priest (1956), the
last of which has been reprinted by Valancourt Books and deals with the ghost of a witch who tells her
story to a priest who is condemning women to death for witchcraft. Lewis is starting to look rather irresistible
to me…
CHETWYND LEY (1913-2004)
(née Humphrey)
Author of
historical romance from the 1950s to 1980s, including The Jewelled Snuff Box (1959), The Georgian Rake (1960), and Letters
for a Spy (1970); in the 1980s she wrote three historical crime novels—A Reputation Dies (1984), A Fatal Assignation (1987), and Masquerade of Vengeance (1989).
LINDSAY (1903-1973)
(aka Mary Richmond, aka
Molly Waring, aka Betty Manners, aka Elizabeth Fenton, aka Mary Faulkner, aka
Jane Darnley, aka Margaret Cameron, aka Hugh Desmond, aka Nigel MacKenzie)
A hugely prolific author who appeared in a 1980s edition of the Guiness
Book of World Records for the largest number of novels by a single author,
Guiness crediting her with a total of 904 (some writers pride themselves on
writing several pages a day, but Lindsay must have been able to polish off
about ten chapters by teatime!).
Lindsay wrote under numerous pseudonyms, and her work includes
historical and romantic fiction as well as mysteries from the 1920s to at
least the 1970s. As Hugh Desmond, she
published around 30 mysteries featuring Scotland Yard detective Alas Fraser,
as well as additional mysteries and thrillers. Titles include The Hand of Vengeance (1945), Death
Walks in Scarlet (1948), A Pact
with the Devil (1952), The Death
Parade (1954), Lady, Where Are You?
(1957), The Case of the Blue Orchid
(1961), Bodies in a Cupboard
(1963), Murder Strikes At Dawn
(1965), The Lady Has Claws (1966),
and Murder On the Moor (1967).
(née Low, aka Ivy Low)
Novelist and translator
who lived in Russia and the Soviet Union for most of her adult life. Her two early novels, published under her
maiden name, sound rather intriguing—Growing
Pains (1913) deals with the development of a young girl, and The Questing Beast (1914) features a
sexually liberated Jewish woman writer.
Her late story collection, She
Knew She Was Right (1971), was reprinted by Virago in the 1980s, but
she's on this list because of her mystery novel, His Master's Voice (1930), which is known for vividly portraying
a wintry Moscow in the 1920s. Her
mother was novelist Alice Herbert, included on my main list.
LOWNDES (1868-1947)
(aka Philip Curtin)
Sister of Hilaire Belloc; biographer, memoirist, and author of dozens
of novels. Starting out as a
journalist, Lowndes became best known for her romantic and our mystery
tales. Her most famous work is
probably The Lodger (1913,
available for free from Google Books or from Gutenberg), about a couple who come to suspect that their
lodger may be Jack the Ripper. That
work was a bestseller and was later made into a film by Alfred
Hitchcock. Among her other mysteries
and thrillers are The Chink in the
Armour (1912), The Terriford
Mystery (1924), Thou Shalt Not Kill
(1927), The Chianti Flask (1934),
and Motive (1938). Lowndes' personal life sounds almost as
interesting as her fiction—socializing as a girl with Constance and Oscar
Wilde, maintaining friendships with the likes of Henry James, Rhoda
Broughton, and Margot Asquith, being president of the Women Writers' Suffrace
League, and helping young writers including Graham Greene, Margaret Kennedy,
and E. M. Delafield. The ODNB also includes the fascinating
tidbit that Ernest Hemingway became a fan of Lowndes' work after a
recommendation from Gertrude Stein.
Happily, some at least of her interesting experiences must be
recounted in her four bestselling memoirs—I,
Too, Have Lived in Arcadia (1941), Where
Love and Friendship Dwelt (1943), The
Merry Wives of Westminster (1946), and A Passing World (1948).
MACINNES (1907-1985)
(married name Highet)
Bestselling Scottish author of more than 20 spy novels, often dealing
with individuals fighting vast forces of darkness—Nazis, Communists, or
terrorists, depending on their locale and time period. MacInnes is known for her vivid and
detailed portrayals of a wide array of international settings. Her debut, Above Suspicion (1941), was inspired by a visit to prewar Nazi
Germany, and Assignment in Brittany
(1942) and While Still We Live
(1944) make use of the resistance movements in France and Poland—the latter
so realistically that Washington apparently asked for her sources. Others include Horizon (1945), Neither
Five Nor Three (1951), Pray for a
Brave Heart (1955), Decision at
Delphi (1960), The Salzburg
Connection (1968), and Ride a Pale
Horse (1984). Interestingly,
MacInnes also published a few novels primarily focused on romance or humor
rather than intrigue. Friends and Lovers (1947) appears to
be a partially-autobiographical romantic novel; Rest and Be Thankful (1949) is a comedy about an author adjusting
to life on a Wyoming dude ranch; and Home
Is the Hunter (1964) is described as "a comic modernization of
Ulysses' return from the Trojan War, with his activities described as an
ancient resistance movement."
MACVEAN (1892-1967)
(aka Phyllis Hambledon)
Author of romance, romantic suspense, and mysteries from the 1920s to
1960s, most of it under her Hambledon pseudonym. She has little web presence, so it's not
entirely easy to tell which are her mystery titles, but some likely suspects
include Invitation to Terror
(1950), I Know a Secret (1950), Keys for the Criminal (1958), Murder and Miss Ming (1959), Passports to Murder (1959), and Murder's No Picnic (1960). If you've read any of Macvean's fiction or
know anything about her, please let me know.
BARBARA MALIM (1893-1968)
(married name Ashley)
Author of five
novels, some of which at least sound like mysteries or thrillers, including "To This End" (1927), Missing from Monte Carlo (1929), Death by Misadventure (1934), By That Sin (1935), and Murder on Holiday (1937).
(aka Lucy Egerton, aka
Anthony Gilbert, aka J. Kilmeny Keith, aka Sylvia Denys Hooke, aka Anne
Prolific author of mysteries under her Gilbert pseudonym, featuring
Arthur Crook, as well as mainstream fiction as Anne Meredith. Her many titles
include The Tragedy at Freyne
(1927), The Murder of Mrs. Davenport
(1928), Death At Four Corners
(1929), The Night of the Fog
(1930), The Body on the Beam
(1932), Death in Fancy Dress
(1933), The Musical Comedy Crime
(1933), An Old Lady Dies (1934), The Man Who Was Too Clever (1935), Murder by Experts (1936), Murder Has No Tongue (1937), The Bell of Death (1939), Dear Dead Woman (1940), Mrs Boot's Legacy (1941), The Case of the Tea-Cosy's Aunt
(1942), Something Nasty in the Woodshed
(1942)—a reference to Stella Gibbons' Cold
Comfort Farm? or was this expression already in use prior to Gibbons'
immortalizing it?— Don't Open the Door! (1945), The Spinster's Secret (1946), Death Knocks Three Times (1949), A Fig for Virtue (1951), Miss Pinnegar Disappears (1952), Is She Dead Too? (1955), Death Against the Clock (1958), No Dust in the Attic (1962), Ring for a Noose (1963), Passenger to Nowhere (1965), Missing From Her Home (1969), and Murder's a Waiting Game (1972).
Mystery scholar Curtis Evans has speculated that she may have been the friend
and fellow author who anonymously completed Annie Haynes' final novel, The Crystal Beads Murder (1930).
(aka Manning Coles, aka Francis Gaite [both with
Cyril Henry Coles])
Popular author
(with Cyril Henry Coles, who was—in one of the oddest origins for a partnership
in all of literature—her neighbor in Hampshire) of a humorous series of mysteries
and spy novels featuring Tommy Hambledon, and later of several satirical
ghost stories. In their discussion of
Manning Coles, Rue Morgue Press notes of the pair's debut: "Its realistic
portrayal of the real world of espionage is what makes Drink to Yesterday one of the most important books in the
development of the spy novel."
Subsequent Tommy Hambledon novels include Pray Silence (1940, aka A
Toast for Tomorrow), Without Lawful
Authority (1943), Green Hazard
(1945), Diamonds to Amsterdam
(1949), Night Train to Paris
(1952), and Death of an Ambassador
(1957). In 1954, the pair decided to
try something new and launched a series of four humorous ghost stories
(published in the U.S. under the Coles name, but in the U.K., for whatever
reason known only to publishers, as Francis Gaite)—Brief Candles (1954), Happy
Returns (1955, aka A Family Matter),
The Far Traveller (1956), and Come and Go (1958). Before her collaborations with Coles began,
Manning published a single novel on her own.
Half-Valdez (1939) was,
according to Rue Morgue, " a fanciful tale of a hunt for lost Spanish treasure
hidden in the days of the Armada in a remote outpost on the British
coast." Well, why not?
JEAN MARSH (1897-1991)
(pseudonym of Evelyn Marshall, née Pass, aka Lesley
screenwriter, children's author, and novelist; her early novels are mainly
mysteries, about which I can find few details (Google searches are hindered
by the fact that she shares her name with the well-known British actress).
The mystery titles are The Shore House
Mystery (1931), Murder Next Door
(1933), Death Stalks the Bride
(1943), Identity Unwanted (1951), Death Visits the Circus (1953), The Pattern Is Murder (1954), Death Among the Stars (1955), and Death at Peak Hour (1957); in the
1970s until the 1990s, she published around twenty romantic novels.
HOWARD MASON (1925-????)
(pseudonym of Jennifer Anne Susan Ramage)
Daughter of
actress Cathleen Nesbitt and an actress herself, as well as the author of
four crime novels—Proud Adversary
(1951), The Red Bishop (1953), Photo Finish (1954), and Body Below (1955). Proud Adversary was described as a
"tale of adventure in the Buchan tradition." Of The Red Bishop, Kirkus said, "An
old castle with its well kept secrets and its subterranean passages, a
monstrous game of living chess which had been played in the 16th century and
the telltale treasure which is found in a tower, all contrive a melodrama
which may be unlikely but has an ingratiating verve—and nerve." Photo Finish appears to have been
turned into a zany spy movie called Follow
That Horse!, but it's unclear whether the comedy element was part of the
novel or if Hollywood took liberties. A bookseller describes Body Below as a "good,
readable mixture of adventure and detection in an unusual and exotic
situation," but no mention of what the unusual and exotic situation
(née MacNaghten, aka Baroness Aberconway)
Author of only
one novel, The Divine Gift (1929),
described as a "mystery novel of a woman who makes a startling discovery
when she searches the bags of two fellow train travelers"; McLaren also
published a collection of poems and what seems to be a children's book
illustrated by Rex Whistler.
(pseudonym of Elizabeth
Thomasina Meade, married name Smith)
Best known as a writer of girls' stories, the enormously prolific Meade
also wrote romance, thrillers, and sensation novels as well as works that
explored social problems. In the
1890s, she collaborated with Clifford Halifax M.D. (pseudonym of Edgar
Beaumont) to write six volumes of crime stories, including Stories from the Diary of a Doctor. Some of Meade's other mysteries or
thrillers include The Brotherhood of
the Seven Kings (1899), which introduced a female master villain, The Sorceress of the Strand (1903), A Maid of Mystery (1904), I Will Sing a New Song (1909), and Micah Faraday, Adventurer (1910).
(aka Stephen Hockaby, aka
Malcolm Torrie)
Gladys Mitchell—referred to by no less a figure than Philip Larkin as
“the great Gladys”—was a major Golden Age mystery author, writing 66 novels
under her own name featuring the gloriously strange (and strangely lovable) forensic
psychiatrist Beatrice Adela Lestrange Bradley (later Dame Beatrice). Among her most acclaimed Mrs. Bradley tales
are The Saltmarsh Murders (1932), Come Away, Death (1937), St. Peter's Finger (1938), When Last I Died (1941), Laurels Are Poison (1942), The Rising of the Moon (1945), Tom Brown's Body (1949), and The Twenty-Third Man (1957). (A particular favorite of mine is 1975's Convent on Styx, which is a quieter
novel making fascinating use of day-to-day life in a convent.) Happily, it has just gotten a lot easier to
read the Mrs. Bradley novels, as Thomas & Mercer have now made them all
available as e-books. They also seem
to have added to their list Mitchell's six long-unavailable late mysteries
written under the pseudonym Malcolm Torrie, though her early historical
adventure novels written as Stephen Hockaby remain in obscurity. Mitchell also wrote nine novels for
children, mostly mysteries for younger readers, but also including On
Your Marks, a girls’ career novel dealing with Mitchell’s own area of
expertise, physical education—which, happily, was reprinted by Greyladies last year. Whatever you do, be sure to check out Jason
Hall’s amazing website, which includes a
cornucopia of information, book covers, bibliographies, essays, and reviews
on Mitchell’s many works.
LORNA NICHOLL MORGAN (dates unknown)
A mystery in
herself, Morgan wrote four mystery novels in the 1940s— Murder in
Devils' Hollow (1944), Talking of Murder (1945, briefly
discussed here), The Death
Box (1946), and Another Little
Murder (1947).
PATRICIA MOYES (1923-2000)
(née Pakenham-Walsh, later married name Haszard)
Mystery writer whose
novels usually feature Scotland Yard Chief Inspector Henry Tibbett and his
wife Emmy, whose close, convincing relationship and believable teamwork add
depth and charm to the series. Moyes
incorporated many of the interests she and her husband shared in real life,
which results in vivid details about skiing in her debut novel Dead Men Don't Ski (1959) and sailing
in the follow-up, The Sunken Sailor
(1961, aka Down Among the Dead Men),
as well as realistic details of life in the Netherlands in Death and the
Dutch Uncle (1968) and Night
Ferry to Death (1970). Murder a la Mode (1963) reflects her
time working for Vogue, and Falling Star incorporates her
experiences in the film industry. Rue Morgue has a lovely article about Moyes and her work. Other titles include Death on the Agenda (1962), Johnny
Under Ground (1965), To Kill a
Coconut (1966, aka The Coconut
Killings), The Curious Affair of
the Third Dog (1973), A Six-Letter
Word for Death (1983), and Twice in
a Blue Moon (1993).
"Only this morning I made a correction to part 1 of the list, in which I had referred to Pamela Branch's debut novel as The Wicked Overcoat instead of The Wooden Overcoat."
ReplyDeleteThat is so funny! I had noted "The Wicked Overcoat" with interest, as it put me in mind of "Under the Cloak", a short story by Rhoda Broughton.
"Great Heavens! what is going to happen to me? what shall I do? how much of him is *real*? where are his *real* hands? what is going on under that awful cloak?"
Great list. I look forward to Part 3!
Thank you, Jane. It's so odd I didn't even take particular note of the title when I was typing it (repeatedly). I would have thought I might have wondered what exactly it was that made an overcoat wicked. But perhaps the Rhoda Broughton story answers that question!
DeleteWow! I just love all those images you've tracked down.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea that Dulcie Gray wrote novels, thanks for that info.
I think I've read all Helen MacInnes's books; I love a cold war thriller.
Thank you, Barbara. I actually don't think I've ever seen Gray in a film, so I'm going to have to track one down. Believe it or not, I have still not read any MacInnes. Do you have a particular recommendation?
DeleteScott, you czn kill two birds eith one stone by finding a copy of The Franchise Affair - the movie of the Josephine Tey, starring Dulcie Gray and her husbsnd Michael Denison.
DeleteThanks for the suggestion, Grace. How frustrating that it looks like the first half of the movie is available on YouTube, but not the second half! But I'll keep it in ming and will track it down by hook or by crook.
DeleteI know L.T.Meade well, but only her school stories, which are among the earliest written in the Girls Own genre. I had no clue that she also wrote thrillers. Same applies to Hilda Lewis. We live and learn!
ReplyDeleteWhat an extraordinary title and cover "Queens Have Died Young and Fair", particularly with the rider that it's a murder mystery of unusual quality. I must try to track it down.
I love Gladys Mitchell but she can be very patchy. I'll have a reread of Convent on Styx if I can find my copy.
A brilliant list - thank you again.
Thanks, Cestina. I'd like to track down both of Keynes/Hunter's WWII mysteries, but judging from a quick library search, I think they may both belong on my Hopeless Wish List (when I finally get around to updating it). There are no circulating copies of either in US libraries, and only Salute to the Brave is available on Amazon, at the discouraging price of $80+.
DeleteOh, and FYI, Convent on Styx is probably not one of Mitchell's most satisfying mysteries, as far as the whodunit or the puzzle go, but I loved it for it's view of convent life.
DeleteIt doesn't bother me if the puzzle element isn't strong; I love the background stories.....
DeleteI am overwhelmed just reading your lists, Scott! Wow! BTW, is Mavis Doriel Hay on your list? I'm just reading her three republished by the British library....They're on my Kindle.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Kristi. Actually, Geraldine emailed me about Hay, so she will go into my next update, but there wasn't time to get her into this update. Hay sounds very intriguing, and I love that the BL made them available in the US as well. Have you enjoyed her work so far?
DeleteHave just ordered a used-good copy from Amazon, to be delivered ... sometime. Will see how she reads!
Another AMAZING list here - thank you. I had no idea that Ruby Ferguson had written crime fiction - I love both Jill and Mrs Memmary, so shall definitely add these to my wishlist. You've made me very curious now too re the supernatural reference.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Vicki! The R. C. Ashby books are difficult to find, apart from the one reprinted by Valancourt, but I read three of them and enjoyed them. They are unconventional and quirky and uneven by the standard of traditional mysteries, but interesting if you're a fan of her later work or enjoy the supernatural/gothic elements.
DeleteThank you for sharing this. I'm saving the review for my records--it makes me rather intrigued about Edmiston's work!
ReplyDeleteFirst time commenter, but long time reader of our wonderful blog! I wanted to chip in on Elizabeth Ferrars and Celia Fremlin, both of whom are writers I particularly love. Ferrars's books are very steadily entertaining and readable, and especially the titles from the 1940s through the 1970s have a lot of charm and quirk. "Enough to Kill a Horse" is her best novel, in my opinion - wonderful characters well developed, highly ingenuous plot. There is a significant drop off in quality that starts in the 70s and gets very apparent in the 80s and 90s - those novels are still readable, but workmanlike and on the bland side, though some of the plots are outrageous in a very polite way (one late novel even has incest!).
ReplyDeleteFremlin is a very different writer - her novels aren't mysteries, more thrillers. She's very creative and extremely, extremely funny, though her novels often get very dark, too. I can't think of another writer like her, actually. "The Jealous One" and "Appointment with Yesterday" might be my favorites of hers, but I love most of her novels.
Finally, I do own a copy of Deadly Lampshade, and I was excited to read it, but that novel has a ton of bizarre homophobic psychobabble. There are many gay characters and they are all odious, and everyone has interminable conversations about how disgusting homosexuality is - as well as interminable conversations about many other things. I get the sense that Gray is perhaps trying to emulate Iris Murdoch or another writer in that school, but she's doing it very, very badly and distastefully. The sentiments are of their time, I suppose, but they are so heavy handed that I just could not keep going with the novel.
Hi, Kacper, so glad you decided to comment, and thank you for the details you provided. I'm certainly going to have to get around to Ferrars soon, and Fremlin sounds intriguing too. What a shame about the Dulcie Gray book, though I have to admit that now I am slightly tempted to check it out just to see how bad it is!
DeleteDeath on the Cherwell, by Hay has also been released as an Audible audiobook. Since it was published the same year as Gaudy Night by Sayers, and also set at a woman's Oxford College, very interesting to compare the two books. I am currently listening to Death on the Cherwell, and enjoying it.