Tuesday, May 21, 2024

*** Breaking news! ***

My apologies that this blog has got a bit creaky and cobwebby of late. There has been a lot going on (mostly positive—and indeed, a very interesting personal announcement will follow here in due course…). But at least now I get to make a big comeback with some very exciting middlebrow news!

When Dean Street Press founder Rupert Heath tragically passed at far too young an age a little over a year ago, it seemed that that would be the end of new releases for DSP's golden age mystery series and for the Furrowed Middlebrow series, though I at least took comfort in the fact that our (96!) existing titles would remain in print.

But I am ecstatic to be able to share that WE ARE BACK!

Rupert's indomitable sister, Victoria Eade, who worked alongside him at DSP, has, since his passing, been working tirelessly behind the scenes to get DSP back into a position to release new titles (!!). And I'm genuinely honored that the first new release from the revived Dean Street Press, set for release on August 5th, will be a Furrowed Middlebrow book!

Drum roll please…

When Victoria contacted me a couple of months ago and asked if I had one particular title that I felt
must be back in print, I did not hesitate for a moment. I knew it had to be Eleanor Farjeon's delightful Miss Granby's Secret, one of my favorite discoveries from last year and the absolutely quintessential nugget of joy that we could all use these days. You might recall I finally published my rave review of it here after holding off for some time because I hadn't wanted to risk another publisher swooping in. I didn't know at that time that the opportunity to publish it might arise after all, but fortunately, no swooping was done in the end (except by us), and the book is ours. 

And we even have a cover already:

What's more, I'm thrilled to report that the brilliant Elizabeth Crawford will be contributing a new introduction to the book. I've actually just read it, hot off the—er—email, and it's truly wonderful. How she manages to squeeze so many fascinating tidbits of information into just a few pages, and tie them all in to enrich our reading of the book, is beyond belief, but I do so love what she does. And since many people who know Farjeon's name from her children's books have no idea that she wrote grownup fiction at all, I think everyone will be particularly interested in what Elizabeth tells us about her. Elizabeth's website is here, and by kismet she is currently featuring a post describing her illustrious and fascinating career—do check it out, I think many of you will be interested in her work if you're not already familiar.

A big thanks to Elizabeth, and a huge thanks to Victoria for making a Dean Street Press comeback possible. I'm confident Rupert would be ecstatic as well. Here's hoping that you're equally excited that Furrowed Middlebrow #97 is becoming a reality (and that other titles may follow in due course). And the biggest thanks of all to YOU lovely readers as always for your kind support and encouragement. I hope you're all doing well!


  1. This is such wonderful news, Scott! Rupert would definitely be delighted.

  2. Hooray, Hooray! Calooh Callay!

  3. So happy !!!! ❤️

  4. Fabulous news!!

  5. Excellent news, Scott. We rejoice with you.

  6. The most fantastic news I've had in a long while! I am beyond excited. Roll on August, so I can add this to my Furrowed Middlebrow collection!

  7. This is simply fantastic news! Fingers and toes crossed that more titles are indeed to come!

  8. I'm so happy to hear this news. Congratulations and thank you to Victoria (and you!).

  9. This is such great news! And I love Farjeon, and have never read that one, so I'm especially thrilled. --willaful

  10. Wonderful! That's great news, and the new book looks fabulous! Can't wait to read it.

  11. this is great news, it brings so much joy to us readers!

  12. Oh I am so so so pleased! Eeeeee! I was so hoping you'd still be involved when I saw the news of a resurgence of DSP on Facebook yesterday. Hope I'll be able to get a copy of this for Dean Street December (and I'd nearly run out of FM books to read!).

  13. This is fantastic news, how exciting for everyone. This one certainly sounds like a fun read.

  14. Very exciting news! Congratulations on the continuation of the Furrowed Middlebrow imprint.

  15. This is the best news! Hope there will be more titles coming after this one!

  16. I was thrilled to get an email about this today!

  17. How wonderful, that is glorious and very , very welcome news !

  18. I am so excited to hear this. I've enjoyed reading the DSP FB page, Victoria's (and others) posts and hoping to hear this good news at some point. Yay!

  19. What wonderful news!! I am beyond thrilled that there will be a new Furrowed Middlebrow book to lose myself in come August. And fingers crossed that some of your other discoveries that sounded so tantalizing will follow. A thousand thanks to Victoria for reviving the irreplaceable Dean Street Press and to you Scott, premier book detective, for all your discoveries.

  20. The cover alone will draw me in.

  21. Oh, great joy! Thank you to Victoria who has continued Rupert’s inspiring work and to you, dear Scott for all you have done to make my bookshelves buckle with great finds all these years. (I have every one of your hand-picked volumes). What wonderful news on this dreary rain-soaked day in SW England…and rain or shine…what a glorious August it will be now! All blessings to you and much success as you go forward (and past) No.100!

  22. Absolutely brilliant news all round!

  23. That’s wonderful news! I’ve been relying on the Furrowed Middlebrow titles for my holiday reading and I’m so happy there will be at least one more to look forward to reading. :)

  24. Awesome news. And that book looks like a MUST BUY!

  25. fantastic news - congratulations! Looking forward to this upcoming release and to seeing all of the other "criminally out-of-print" books on your list appear in turn

  26. Very Very VERY good news!

  27. Oh, this is great! As with E. Nesbit and Noel Streatfeild (Susan Scarlett), Farjeon is a wonderful writer who is now mainly only known for her children's books. I can't wait to get my hands on this one.

  28. I am so very happy to see you back, and I do so look forward to the Farjeon title! We missed you, Scott, and we missed Dean Street publications!

  29. That is great news for you, Dean Street, and us!

  30. FYI - Amazon US currently now has this publication available for pre-order and/or placing on wish lists! At least, the Kindle version. The paperback doesn't show up yet. It makes August seem closer. Well, in just a few hours it will be "next month"!

  31. Kobo has it for pre-order/ wishlists as well !

  32. I just learned that Handheld Press, which reprinted the wonderful Business as Usual by Jane Oliver and Anne Stafford, is going out of business. :-( Any chance you could bring back the sequel, Cook Wanted? I'm dying to read it. -- willaful

    1. I too am desperate to read Cook Wanted. I am sad to hear the press is closing. I simply loved Business as Usual. I can see it on the shelves from where I am sitting, waiting to be handed on to my daughter-in-law.


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