Wednesday, July 13, 2022

We interrupt this program... (and a Facebook page!)

Well, really, we don't so much interrupt the program as explain why the program has been interrupted for the past week or two.

COVID, of course. It finally made its pernicious way into our apartment, and for the past couple of (very, VERY long) weeks Andy and I have been isolating. Together. In a one bedroom apartment. The COVID was not so bad (like the flu for a couple of days, then a lingering annoying cold for a week or so), but the cabin fever! Good heavens, indeed.

But we are finally cleared to return to the outside world now, with only very slight lingering congestion, and lingering laziness from not having exercised in two weeks (not that I'm EVER lazy as a rule...). It also happens to be my birthday today ... so you can little imagine the wild revelry taking place in celebration.

This is, however, why I fell more silent than usual here, and largely silent on Twitter as well, and why I might owe some of you emails (although let's be real, I am so slow with emails at the best of times, you may not have noticed). 

Back to regularly scheduled programming soon!

But in the meantime...

If you need more bookish content re both Furrowed Middlebrow reprints and Golden Age mysteries, Dean Street Press has set up a Facebook group here, to aid and abet your book socializing. I'm still getting a feel for it myself, but the group already has an impressive 372 members (!!), so there are definitely going to be some enjoyable and informative discussions. Do join if you do Facebook! (Right now, you'll discover my current obsessive research involving Joyce Dennys... You will very likely learn about it here eventually too, but why wait?)

And while we're at it, a reminder that we're on Twitter too, @FurrowedMiddle and @DeanStPress.


  1. Well very pleased to hear you are recovering from the dreaded virus. Good health ahead to you both. And will be investigating that facebook page. Sounds very interesting. Keep safe.

  2. What bad luck. Happy Birthday anyway.

  3. I am really enjoying the Dean Street Press Facebook page, as well as Curtis Evans' Vintage Mysteries group.

  4. Happy belated birthday! And hope you continue to recover well.


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But it can still be a pain, and if you can't get any of that to work, please email me at I do want to hear from you!