Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The first advance copies

I've shared with all of you just about every step of the process, over the past few months, as I've progressed from fantasizing about books I'd like to publish to actually working with Dean Street Press to publish some of my favorites. So I have to also share my excitement over the first advance copies, which I received in the mail yesterday. I haven't been able to stop holding them and thumbing through them and generally fetishizing them. Amazing how holding the actual physical books makes the process so much more of a reality! And I think they're gorgeous, though of course I might be slightly biased...

These two books were finalized a bit before the others because they were included with our press release to media outlets and other folks we thought might take an interest. Therefore these are the only two currently available for pre-order (in paperback format). The e-book editions of these and both editions of the other seven titles will be available for pre-order soon. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, just a few more pics to share my fetishization with you more fully. (Well, really, I have to show you the backs, with the Furrowed Middlebrow colophon I previewed here a while back, right?)


  1. A very exciting and proud moment, and the imprint is lovely. Well done, Scott!

  2. Yes please!

    How do I pre -order?

    Could you email me please, Scott?

    Many thanks


    1. Hi, Veronica. The books will be available at Amazon, at Book Depository in the UK, through the Dean Street Press website, and through other sources. Your local bookstore may also be able to order them for you. Sorry, I didn't make that clear in my post!

  3. Wonderful! Love the covers & the whole look of them. I've preordered ACC & also the three Winifred Pecks from Book Depository. They'll be leaping to the top of the tbr pile when they arrive, hopefully during the holidays I'm taking in October. Such a dream come true for you, Scott, & for all of us as well.

    1. Thanks, Lyn! So glad you're looking forward to the Winifred Peck books. And thanks for pointing out that all the books are actually available for pre-ordering at Book Depository--it was exciting to see them all there for the first time!

  4. Oh oh oh oh!
    Lovely. A dream come true, Scott.

    (And oh! again, with that term from Virginia Nicholson: Blitz Lit! I love it!)

    1. Thank you, Susan! And yes, who doesn't love some good Blitz lit?!

  5. Congrats! The covers are beautiful! I can't wait to read them. How can we pre-order?

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! See my response to Veronica above--they're already all available at Book Depository, and they will all be available soon from Amazon and other sources.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, Lisa! I'll bet you're looking forward to a book sale coming up soon as well!

  7. I am so excited! I have them both preordered on Amazon and can't wait for the others to be ready to order.

  8. Congratulations Scott! A wonderful achievement.
    Best wishes,

  9. Oh, Oh! The Kindle prices are up for these and at least some of the others!

