Saturday, November 29, 2014

My life in books...

At long last, the final section of the War List will be coming along later today. But in the meantime I have to direct your attention—if you haven't already noticed it—to today's entry in Simon's My Life in Books series at Stuck-in-a-Book, which features none other than yours truly. 

You'll find some shocking revelations about my early life as a middlebrow (okay, shocking might be stretching it, but they are certainly revelations), and be sure to check out all the other entries in this series. It's a great opportunity to find some fabulous new blogs to follow. I know I've discovered some fellow bloggers that I'd never encountered before, and I've learned more about some old favorites.

A big thanks to Simon for inviting me to participate!


  1. I was just introduced to your blog via the "My Life in Books" series. I'm really looking forward to exploring your lists, I'm sure you will be adding books to my reading lists!

    1. So glad you found me, Lisa! I hope you'll stop by often and comment whenever you're inspired.

  2. Scott ~
    Thanks for the link to Stuck in a Book, a blog I was reading before I began concentrated on my own blog. An interesting interview, that dropped a few more veils from your interesting past!

    1. Thanks, Del. Dropping veils makes me feel rather scandalous, but at least I still have a FEW veils left!

  3. I'd always wondered how you'd grown into a middlebrow reader, and so it was lovely to read about your reading progress. And to see you matched against Anbolyn who I've 'known' for a long time now.

    1. Thank you Jane. This was a great experience, and introduced me to several new bloggers. Such a great idea of Simon's.
